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Differences between the molecules

Polymers VS. Macromolecules

1.  Polymer - made of repeating units (molecules)           Macromolecule - May or may not be composed         of repeating units
2.  Polymer - made from monomers                                 Macromolecule - May be made of polymers or           monomers or both                               
3.  Polymer - some are soluble in organic solvents         Macromolecule - highly insoluble in water and            other similar solvents
4.  Polymer - formed by polymerization                           Macromolecule - formed by multiple ways

Differences Between The Molecules: Opening Hours

Differences between the molecules (Part 2)

Human Macromolecules and their Monomers - We’ll learn more about these in the next lesson.

     1.  Macromolecule = Carbs              Monomer = Monosaccharide 

     2.  Macromolecule = Lipids                     Monomer = Fatty Acids

     3.  Macromolecule = Proteins                 Monomer = Amino Acids

     4.  Macromolecule = Nucleic Acids         Monomer = Nucleotide

Differences Between The Molecules: Contact
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